Martín Davis Komlos

Lawyer University of Valparaíso. 2010.

Master in Intellectual Property (LL.M.). Universidad Austral of Buenos Aires. 2016-2018.

Winner of WIPO Scholarship for regional masters in Intellectual Property (Latin America).

Diploma in Corporate Law and Compliance. Universidad de Los Andes. 2023.

Licensing Academy in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer. University of California, Davis, USA. June, 2017.

Diploma in Administrative Law. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 2013.

Diploma in Free Competition. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 2011.

With more than 10 years of experience in the public and private sector, Martín has focused his career on matters related to Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation (CTCI), managing legal processes related to Research and Development (R&D), Research and Entrepreneurship (R&E) and general management of Intellectual and Industrial Property. In addition, he has specialized in Business Law, providing services in legal matters related to operations, corporate governance, labor relations and litigation.

His professional experience includes his role as legal advisor to the Innovation Nucleus of the Universidad de Playa Ancha, where he participated in the creation of the unit in charge of the management of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, advising the university in matters of intellectual/industrial property, technology transfer, agreements and contracts, as well as in the development of new technologies.

Professor in the “Diploma in I+D: technological innovation and entrepreneurship”, Universidad de Playa Ancha (2023-present).

Adjunct Professor at Universidad Santo Tomás Law School, Viña del Mar. Introduction to Economics and Introduction to Intellectual Property. 2022-2023.

Adjunct Professor, Andrés Bello University School of Law, Viña del Mar – Chair of Competition Law. 2022-2023.

Legal advisor to the National Deputy Directorate of Innovation and Technology Transfer, University of Valparaíso and the National Council for Culture and the Arts (2012-2013).

Lawyer at the law firms Dellafiori Abogados (2011) and Osorio & Cía. Abogados (2010).

Member of the Scientific Ethics Committee of the Universidad de Valparaíso (March 2018 to January 2020).

Publications: ‘Detección de oportunidades en Chile para las Oficinas de Transferencia y Licenciamiento de Universidades Estatales’, Innovación: Perspectivas Multidisciplinarias, Editor Daniel Cabrera Paniagua, RIL Editores, 2020.


Spanish and English.